Man has been alwaysand voraciously concerned about death.
Thoughtsof death has made him fullofworriesand concerns; and immortality has always been his mostsensationalpassion.
Byhispresence inanotherform,in another aspector even becoming something else, man has tried tosavehimself fromdeathand reach eternity. The Transition Towards Immortalityis the idea of my exhibition.
10 paints, 100*120 on convas , mix media
A poetic text by Professor David Chidester Professor of McGill University and author of The Great Book (The Passion of Immortality)
About these Artwork :
This is an honor for me;

Curling light rises,
Humming sound vibrates,
Untouchable hands touch,
Invisible forms meet.
Human species is animal,
Every animal an endangered species.
Living under water,
Earth bound, trees surround, ladder found.
Curling light rises,
Humming sound vibrates,

Untouchable hands touch,
Invisible forms meet.
Human species is animal,
Every animal an endangered species.
Living under water,
Earth bound, trees surround, ladder found.

100*120 – Mix media on Canvas
100*120 – Mix media on Canvas
100*120 – Mix media on Canvas
100*70 – Mix media on Canvas
100*120 – Mix media on Canvas

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